Tag Archives: Mental Health




Of lately I have  not been writing much or maybe not writing at all. So I decide to add this page of Life in General. Soo much of what happens to me in my daily life effects my writing and lately this has been the case. For those who are spiritual and experiencing serious ascension symptoms you will understand where I am coming from. Severe physical pain with no medical explanation is a daily battle. For some who have other symptoms there battle is different. But so many people are battling these symptoms everyday and have no clue as to what is really happening in there life. They have there own idea what it is and can sometimes be misguided by family, friends and the medical profession as to what is wrong. More often the diagnoses is either stress or depression. (the last being my favourite!…lol.. when I get told this I know for a fact the doc has no clue at all what is wrong but has to say something just to appear intelligent!, after all he is your doc right? and dont forget they  support pharmaceutical companies)… everyone needs there happy pills right?

But going back to my daily life stuff, yes this has been a tough road to travel of lately but everyday is alot easier and I still have all my marbles in one bag, none are rolling around distressing anyone, at least I think so, but I really dont care if someone is scared or afraid of my marbles getting lost! lol…

Have you ever wondered what people say about you or think about you? I am sure there is alot of people out there that live there life by what others say and think. This is our society after all. We follow brands and a certain way of living, drive the right car, go to church on a sunday ect ect.. but what happens tomorrow you decide…”Hey you know what I dont give a folly wobble”….lol” Excuse the language but really has it really got anything to do with anyone how you live your life? I have experienced this over the last couple of months. Changing my belief systems and the way I see life. At first family and friends thought something medically or mentally was wrong. When that did not add up then I must be going crazy and then finally the last is they thought I was just  a bit eccentric! hahaha… I just love this word! Eccentric! Eccentric! Eccentric! Eccentric! lol…. I could just say that all day! lol…. I havn’t looked up the real meaning but to me it just means that they acknowledge you are just a tip off the ice berg slightly nutty but normal enough to still be around! hahaaa… Have they accepted your new lifestyle? I am not sure but they are trying there best, even though behind closed doors you are the topic of GREAT I mean GREAT Discussion lol…. well you go from being unpopular and just normal everyday boring to suddenly very interesting. And all because you decided to do everything that society says is not normal. So that is my life in general these days. So when I have nothing to say I will probably report back on my “Ecccentric” lifestyle as to how things are going. Even down to how warm my bed felt early on Sunday morning when all the others were crammed into a Church on a very cold Sunday morning! And yes this is one fantastic conversation topic as well for those who attend Church and really shouldnt be talking about other people, I think they call that Gossip? lol….really now…are you talking about my warm bed because I should be following the masses or because you wish you were in bed too? lol……

P.S. There are apparently alot of  “Eccentric” people around these days! lol…

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